
Our free newsletter appears every 2-6 weeks. It is mainly about the following topics:

  • Renewable Energy & Mining
  • Renewables on Islands
  • Solar-Diesel Hybrid applications
  • Wind-Diesel Hybrid applications
  • off-grid solutions
  • off-grid or hybrid energy storage

In addition, we try to negotiate conference discounts.

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Unser kostenloser Newsletter erscheint alle 2 - 6 Wochen. Er deckt in erster Linie die folgenden Themengebiete ab:

  • Erneuerbare Energien und Bergbau
  • Erneuerbare Energien auf Inseln
  • Solar-Diesel Hybrid
  • Wind-Diesel Hybrid
  • Inselanlagen / off-grid
  • Energiespeicher und Batterien für Off-Grid Anwendungen

Außerdem versuchen wir, bei Konferenzen Rabatte für unsere Abonnenten auszuhandeln. Bitte melden Sie sich über das Formular auf der rechten Seite an. Wenn Ihr Browser dieses nicht korrekt darstellt, verwenden Sie bitte den folgenden Link:


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Dr. Thomas Hillig Takes the Stage: Keynote Speaker Extraordinaire

Our Managing Director, Dr. Thomas Hillig, embraces a select number of opportunities to deliver keynote speeches and moderate discussions at industry and corporate events. With a proven track record in captivating audiences and skillfully engaging speakers, Dr. Hillig ensures each event is informative and entertaining.

His approachable demeanor fosters an environment where speakers feel comfortable sharing valuable insights, allowing audiences to gain maximum benefit from their expertise. 

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Top 5 Hydrogen News – August 2020 by THEnergy

The August edition of our “Top 5 Hydrogen News” is about hydrogen generation projects and applications for steel making, public transportation as well as fueling station and refinery applications. It features SSAB, LKAB, Vattenfall, EDF, Holcim, OGE, Ørsted, Raffinerie Heide, Stadtwerke Heide, Thüga, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, Cummins, Douglas County Public Utility District, Hydrogenics, Siemens Energy, Beijing Green Hydrogen Technology Development Co., Regionalverkehr Köln, Linde, Framatome, AREVA, and Van Hool.

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Dr. Thomas Hillig Energy Consulting
Kazmairstr. 45
D-80339 München

info @
Tel.: +49-152-36186442